

When you call in for a consultation, the agent will gather information about your needs and expectations, as well as any relevant background information about the case.


When the agent has a clear understanding of your needs, they will develop a scope of work and fee agreement. The scope of work, also known as the statement of work document, will outline the specific services that the investigator will provide, as well as the estimated timeline and cost of the investigation.


Once the agreement is signed, the investigation will be carried out by an experienced agent, who’ll be available to you throughout. Timeline of investigation depends on the scope. The methods used will vary depending on the case, but may include things like surveillance, background checks, interviews, document review, digital forensics and online research. See list of investigations, we can conduct for reference.


When the investigation is complete, the investigator will provide you with a written report of their findings. The report will include case summary, executive synopsis and further recommendation, if necessary.


After sending the report, the agent will schedule a debrief call to walk you through the report and to answer any questions.


In some cases, the investigator may need to do additional work after the report is submitted and the case has concluded. This might include attending court hearings, providing testimony, or helping the client to implement the findings of the investigation.